About a week ago my Creative Zen exploded. Literally. Not literally literally. Just literally. Point is, it froze. And then I had to reformat. And then my music was gone. And then the computer at Mum 'n Dads refused to recognise it's
MTP deviceness. Apparently this is not uncommon. I think maybe Creative is Apple in disguise, sending more frustrated white folk to the
iPod. Ask Google about frozen Zen's to see what I mean. Luckily the Zen has an expandable memory, could work a lot better, but it's there all the same. So I do have some music and my Spanish lessons and Philosophy Bites for the next few months, despite my worst fears. Alas, no Demetri Martin, Mr T, Flight of the
Conchords, or Brian Dunning. Terrible.
Meanwhile, my usual lack of planning anything has been fully implemented in my
preparation for walking the 2650 miles from Mexico to Canada. Actually, I've done most everything I had wanted to do and anything else I am blissfully ignorant of. All my gear is sorted (I'll weigh it later but I guess 5.5kg. I hope) and guidebooks, permits and other details are done or getting there. I plan to organise most things as I go; food, replacement gear, bear
canister, attempting to apply for University. It's a little more difficult this way and perhaps more expensive, but I really don't have much choice. One more day of relaxing and I start Sunday, May 10t
h with I think six others? We all start together courtesy of the wonderful Barney and Sandy Mann (aka Scout and
Frodo, you're going to learn
aaaaallllllllll about
trailnames soon enough). Their place in San Diego is practically the official starting point for the PCT. I cannot say enough good things about them and everything they've done for me and
hundreds of others.
On the subject of San Diego. Beautiful city. No hiding the fact it's in a desert though. Come here. Who cares about LA?
P.S. I told you the Swine flu was nothing.
P.P.P.S. A helicopter (military, of course) crashed on/near the trail about two days in. Outstanding.
P.P.P.P.S. I don't normally do this, I swear.
P.P.P.P.P.S. By 'this', I mean the P.S. stuff.
P.P.P.P.P.P.S. I'll stop now.