December 1 Damn 500m Contour Lines.
The map we have is proving to be quite painful, having 500m contour lines is useless, especially in Nepal. Me and Anthony thought today would be flattish. No. Still, we're quite fit now and it really wasn't too bad. It's just when you slog up to a ridge line and Chhiri points across the new valley to the town we're staying at it's a little disheartening. Down, down, down, then back up, up, up. Binod whipped out his best effort yet though, soup, chicken, potato cake, fresh veg and pasta. All of it was stellar. So ridiculously and consistently full in a country where half the population is starving. Yes, I feel like a massive asshole. And it tastes good too. Oh, at lunch I got 542, the best three Yahtzee game score ever. And broke the 200 barrier on chronological. In consecutive games. Yes.
December 2 Why Bob Geldof Hates Me.
Today's walking was fairly easy, going through some very picturesque towns. It's quite hot down here during the day, close to 30. At least it feels like that. Pretty humid too, considering it's winter. Darbang though (town where we're camped), the road comes here. It's a hole. I'm not exaggerating, the change is immediate and very drastic. Road less side of the bridge the town is really nice, other side is filthy and most stores sell worthless Chinese plastic products. Heaps of kids "Give me pen" "Give me sweets". Damn annoying. Today we passed a school and a teacher literally jumped out of the bushes onto the trail in front of us waving his donation book. Far out. Had to push past and tried to explain to Chhiri why we probably come across as assholes whenever we get asked to give money. We realise we have more money than most of these people can dream of, I mean the cost of my flight here alone could build a couple of mansions in the upper class suburbs of Kath, but if we gave to everyone who demanded it, well we can't. I can't. And I honestly don't want to, I'm not here to save the world I just want to see it. He told us some very interesting things about donations, Sadhus, begging (he refers to it as the begging industry) and Indians. Very interesting.
December 3 Yeah Good Timing
Missed out on the massive last night feast and party cause I had some lame 12 hour virus or something. Felt awful walking this afternoon. Although it might have something to do with all the food we get given and me passing nothing for whatever reason (yes, you needed to know that). So yeah, I missed out on all the stellar food. Couldn't sleep (luckily Anthony couldn't either) and finally at about midnight decided to bite the bullet and make myself vomit as my stomach was trying to punch through my skin. Best decision I ever made.
December 4 Start Angry, End Mad.
Last day of this trek! Exciting times. Only a two hour walk to Beni which is a bit nicer than I expected. Although had to walk through some of the worst towns to get here. Saw our first fellow tourists in over a week. Hard to believe we've been in Nepal a month already. Have heard no news at all since leaving Sydney, except I think Obama won. Currently killing time in a bhatti with Chhiri and the porters before a potentially brutal 12-16 hour bus trip back to Kathmandu. Watching woeful Indian movies and had a disappointingly cold shower. All the porters dressed up for the last day, where they had these clothes I'll never know. Bishnu looks like a gangster and Hem even got a haircut. Actually the porters have all been beyond amazing and are so fast and damn strong. Except Bishnu, who operates on Bishnu time. Love him. I cannot fault a thing Chhiri has done either, especially during the Tilicho debacle. He's a stellar companion as well. And does more for us than we will ever realise. We learned we will likely have the same porters for Rolwoling as well which is perfect.
The night bus turned out to be quite an experience. I had a full zen battery to drain which made time pass a little easier. The first six hours or so passed as quickly as they could but the seat was damn uncomfortable and Anthony's bottle was slowly draining it's contents all over it via a pin hole leak. We stopped for a Daal Bhaat that I shouldn't have eaten, stomach started cramping again. No fun. The porters had laid the mats out on the roof to sleep the remainder of the trip away. Best idea ever, we decided to join them. Sleeping bag, mat, roof of a bus, comfortable enough. Better than inside at least. After about two hours the cramps were becoming unbearable and I spent some time whimpering, buried in my bag. I think the bus broke down or something but it had stopped and that's all I cared, I flew off the roof and force vomited for the second time in two days (and my life), climbed back up and slept like a baby until we arrived in Kath at about dawn. Magic. Later on whatever virus I've had claimed it's final victory over me and I committed the ultimate shame. But I will say no more about that.
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