Tuesday, June 9, 2009

So what does Captain Planet have against looting anyway?

DAY TWENTY-NINE, June 7, 19.6 Miles
At mile 518.4
Rather cold and damp this morning, again. But at least the sky was clear. The goal today was Hiker Town (http://mysite.verizon.net/resplj4y/welcometohikertownhostel/). Basically got down as quick as I could to the desert floor. Oh yeah, hot and shadeless. That thing. Loverly. The trail was all piss-assy around some private land, and a wee bit vague. The lack of Guidebook/maps isn't really a problem, and I don't mind it as much as I thought I would (I usually like to know where I am, It's not a 'not getting lost' thing, I just like to know where I am). I know my pace so well that I still get to the few reference points I have more or less exactly when I expect to. Which is nice. There was a distinct lack of PCT signage today though, which is hardly encouraging. The final half mile was a dead straight, dusty road. I went a wee but nuts. Hiker Town is cool, interesting if nothing else, bunch of people here. Outstanding ice-cream sandwiches, and the always a pleasure two litre Dr Pepper. Windy.

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