Tuesday, July 7, 2009

No no shelter shelter.

DAY FIFTY, June 28, 31.5 Miles
At mile 899.3
Something is wrong with the outside of my left ankle. It sure does hurt, hopefully it's nothing serious. Started off with Bear Ridge this morning, would be pretty horrible coming the other way, although I do my share of climbing anyway. Plenty of fording, constantly wet feet. Came across Shadow a little bit before lunch, it has been a while. The mosquito's were pretty bad all day, must be nearing the hatch, when they are supposedly really bad. Lost Todd after Silver pass, he can fly when he wants too. I followed a sign to Reds Meadow (where we're heading) and despite my suspicions it was the wrong way kept walking, it's hard to stop and check the map when as soon as you do 4367 mosquito's come say hi. When I finally realised my mistake (not too bad, it was actually an easier alternate, just not my PCT) I was about a mile down so I took another trail up to the PCT at Purple Lake, all good. Stopped a mile short of where I wanted thanks to my ankle refusing to continue walking.

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