Saturday, September 12, 2009


I'm done, it's September 12.
I'll finish this when I can and give a Springer-style final thought. But it's hard to motivate myself.
I ruined the will-he-or-won't-he-finish.
Sorry. Slackline?



Lucinda said...

congrats! i've read your pct journey posts from start to finish. i'm looking to hike it myself in a few years and wanted to get some real perspective. thanks, it was fun joining you.

Garrett Cole said...

Stop out to NY I'll take you through the Adirondacks... it would be less grand than the PCT, but still adventurous.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!! I decided in July of 2008 that I wanted to attemp the PCT in 2010. Having to wait two years, boy, this time seems to have dragged by ever so slowly with this type of journey calling me. Following your journal helped keep the excitment alive as I wait for time to pass. I started reading several journals in May, but found yours the most entertaining, therefore desided you were the one I wanted to follow on this journey. Thanks for an enjoyable read.
Again, Congratulation!