Day Thirteen, 30 June, 23 Miles
At Mile 252.5, Poptart 58/1000
Last nigh was rather intense. Didn't sleep much, storms kept rolling over. Thunder, wind and rain, all the good stuff. Being my first night of really bad weather under my tarp I was a little worried how it would deal with all that was being thrown at it. Ended up being fine but the weather didn't really clear until about 7.30am. Very briefly flirted with the idea of staying put but glad I moved on, the weather cleared and it ended up being a nice day to be hiking high. Came across Pace, Whitefish and Coach and we all hiked together the rest of the day. Nice to hike with people for a change, also nice to bask in the sun knowing how bad it could have been. On the eastern fringe of the divide, very dry and the mountains very quickly become the plains that stretch across to the Great Lakes. Amazing scenery, but tough hiking. Straight up. Straight down. Caribou Peak was an incredible ridge walk and snotty rock scramble. I spied a chute that looked easy but wasn't and ended up awkwardly stemming (ft. pack) and very nearly pulling a television sized rock onto myself. Camped on the huge, grassy Lewis and Clark Pass. No water on the divide, not surprising but there was barely any snow either which was unexpected. Dry feet for the first time on trail. Had to bomb down off the pass for water. I have a bunch of extra food which is wonderful. Decided to cowboy but a storm is currently making it's way over. The light is unbelievable and it's now sprinkling.
As soon as we set up it stopped. Awesome. The mosquitoes have disappeared somewhere, I'd like to find them. So I can piss them off while they attempt to rest. See how they like it.
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