I think Canada knows I am leaving, perhaps for good. It's trying to keep me here. Let me go Canada, let me go. Please. I beg you.

I drew this to help any prospective visitors to this country. Plus my super useful Canadian city guide:
Victoria- Good friends, good job, nice winter. Good views of the awesomeness that is northern Washington. But. Ugly city, too much crack, bad pay, expensive, annoyingly proud citizens and stop asking me for money man. Go away.
Ucluelet- Way better than Tofino. Way.
Vancouver- Overrated.
Calgary- Awkward. Clean and empty. Even on a sunny spring Saturday afternoon. Where is everybody?
Thunder Bay- Stay at the Sleeping Giant Guesthouse. That is all. Massive vortex.
Sault Ste. Marie- Don't bother. Top Five Stopover my ass.
Toronto- Does big, filthy, unfriendly city really, really well. And I love it for that.
Niagara Falls- Drive there, look at the falls briefly, continue on your way. Preferably your way would be somewhere in NY.
Ottawa- Does bland but beautiful capital city with not much to do way better than Canberra and Wellington. Super nice.
Montréal- If I wanted to see French people, I would go to France.
You can thank me later.
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