Saturday, June 12, 2010

Swear word swear word swear word square word. Shit.

Thunder Bay was pleasantly amazing. Best hostel in the country for sure right there. Good times, hard to leave.
Calgary is a nice city with nobody in it.
In between was a 36 hour bus ride. Shit.
And I almost, almost lost my bags on one of the transfers. They weren't on the same bus as me, but the bus they were on arrived earlier and they were there waiting for me. Shit, lucky.
The Canadian Plains were much more interesting than their American counterpart. Plus one to Canada, still losing badly.
36 straight hours on Greyhound is every bit as bad as you think but at least I had two seats the entire time. I'd take it over a 12 Indian bus trip any day. Even with the insane, muttering, surrounded-by-a-plastic-sheet force-field (not kidding) man behind me for ten hours or so.

Everything right now for me is all CDT CDT CDT. Shit.
This is causing problems. Shit.
I have not really organised or planned anything. That was fine on the Pacific Crest but this Continental Divide Trail requires a little more attention. I'm sure it will be fine but it's hard to calm myself when my maps are missing.
Yes that's right. Missing.
My three+ kilograms of paper that will guide me back to the Mexico/U.S. border is somewhere where I don't know where it is. This is really, really bad.
I had them mailed to the hostel I'm currently at but no dice. Unless they are in some room. A room that won't be unlocked until tomorrow. I really, really need to leave tomorrow. Early.
And if they're not in there I really, really have no idea what I'm going to do. No idea. I would have to print off 300 maps again as well as re-buying the road Atlases, that would require a printer and at least a couple of days and money I don't want to spend. Shit. My head is all over the place right now. I don't need this.
I know none of this makes sense but I'm not thinking straight right now.

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