Day OneOhFive, September 30, 28 Miles
At Mile 2095, Poptart 782/1000
Up, early for us, Team Late Rise (TLR). Usually known as Team Pacific Rim (TPR), and occasionally Team Food Challenge (TFC). Three letters are a way of life. A quick and easy morning to Harris Bear Spring. Easy cross country followed by a nice stroll along Mogote Ridge and a road walk through some colourful Aspens and bland grassland. No bears were to be found at the spring, but it's always nice to reach a goal earlier than anticipated. The afternoon found us on the top edge of an escarpment, trailless, through open forest. Very reminiscent of the Blue Mountains at home, great hiking. Dropped down steeply to a road and ran into D.I.Y. Yeso tank was not as bad as it's made out to be. These “tanks” are little man-made lakes/dams which hold water for the stock that are allowed to graze these areas. Americans need their meet and cows need their water. The water is usually horrid and we've not yet had to even consider drinking from any. I probably would though... Without treating...
Leaving jeep road we entered the badland country just north of Ghost Ranch. Completely amazing. That cowboys-and-indians desert south-west type landscape. Cliffs and gullies, little canyons, draws and dry creek beds, the vague trail twisted and turned amongst cacti and sage. I loved it all. The reds and blues, browns and yellows, very happy to finally hike through the desert I had hoped to see in my time here. We dropped into a side canyon, water still doing its thing, carving the smooth rock whichever way it so desires. Relentless. Found a nice sandy spot on the floor of the main canyon after some incredible scenery in the evening light. All cowboyed, flash floods whatever. Got a wee glimpse up Box Canyon and imma going up there to explore tomorrow morning.
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