Day OneOhFour, September 29, 23 Miles.
At Mile 2067, Poptart 772/1000
Late to rise, ten hours of sleep always makes me tired. Some mildly confusing road walking. Strange that the new, official CDT is on road. Supposed to be a silent (meaning vehicle free) trail when finished and all that. Hopewell Lake is little more than a small, man made reservoir, probably for cows. But there was a shelter there, with water pump and trash bins. All the important thru-hiker requirements. Fast miles on a busy Forest Service road, which serviced many Dude ranches and others of unknown purposes. Finally left the boundary of the Tierra Amarilla Grant, still no idea what it is but they make excellent tortillas. For a huge profit. Water has been pretty good so far. Haven't had to treat anything yet, not that I would anyway. Fell behind the others, then they straight up disappeared. Got myself on a accidental/deliberate cross country rainbow. Didn't really know where I was as my map and the real world were disagreeing. So I kept walking in the same direction and as my continuous navigational luck would have it, hi trail. No prints, except those of my friends a couple days ahead so I waited a bit then continued on another cross country shortcut that I semi messed up but came out on trail way further along than I had expected. I am still awesome at this navigation thing. Sat down for an hour, Kombucha, Hawkeye and RT showed up and we worked out we only had to walk another six miles. Camped early at a spring.
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