Day OneThirtyOne, October 26, 22 Miles
At Mile 2545, Poptart 922/1000
Pete dropped us at the trail head. More thanks to Pete, Julie and everyone at San Lorenzo. Make me happy so. I guess I left today's maps and the guidebook for the rest of the trail at Pete's. Lucky I'm not on my own far out. Followed a road till it petered out then some cross country through forest 'cause we lost the lightly trodden trail. Hope no-one follows the cairn we made. The downside of cairn building is when you're not actually going the right way. Pretty sure this is only the second time I've done it and it's too late to go back once you realise. Oh well, I mean well right? And my useful cairns vastly outnumber my wrong ones...

Don't like hiking without any maps or guide, I feel useless. Plan was to head for the hut on Hillsboro Peak. Hoping it would be open. Once we got on better quality trail just pushed hard and into the night. Hillsboro is the last 10,000ft point on trail (10,003 to be precise) and dang if it wasn't windy up there. With no comfortable choice other than the hut I has horrified to find it locked. Circling round again in disbelief and fear of a windy night I completely failed to notice DIY had opened the door to the hut. The other hut. The one that was for hikers to use. Very thankful to be inside right now. It's proper howling out there.
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