Day OneThirtySix, Halloween, 25 Miles
At Mile 2661, Poptart 994/1000

Finally, a warm morning. Have to suncream up with all this fresh, exposed skin. The Banana, Bumblebee and myself headed west and up into the Florida Mountain's. Both Ley and Wolf (maps and guidebook respectively) suggest this cross country mountain crossing as a tough but worthwhile alternate to the road. We knew of others who'd gone through and strongly warned against it. But that just makes me want to go more. And Ley especially was so darn convincing. Couldn't be that bad right? Well. Holy swear words it was. The terrain was rough, steep, loose and pointy. The ground was carpeted by cacti, waiting patiently to thrust their needles into our soft flesh. Branches of thorns towering above and around meant that even the air was dangerous. It was hell. If you're ever hiking the CDT south and aren't quite ready to be finished, go through the Florida's. You'll be ready to be finished. The Banana was swearing worse than I'd ever heard and we'd lost sight of Bumblebee in the forest of pain. We called it right there, about 300 metres after leaving the road. We quit. We bailed. Down a canyon side road and back to open, easy walking. We later found out Yas had gone through and taken a cactus to the back, unable to remove all the fine needles for a couple of days 'cause he was on his own. And he still thought it was worthwhile. Harder than us he is. Took longer than forever to get to the highway, hung out for an extended and final lunch at Carol and Ben's house which is open to hikers to chill and get water. Rather uneventful afternoon, the sun gave us a show as it set on our hike one last time. Can see Columbus and Palomas but it doesn't feel like we're done. We pretty much are. Much like last year, this is far too big of a thing to reflect on right now. I am still having fun. LAST NIGHT!

The cursed Floridas! Curses!

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