At Mile 2570, Poptart 938/1000
As gusts of wind were sending shudders through the hut last night I was smiling, happy, warm and under a roof. By morning, unfortunately, the cold had worked its way inside and we took our time getting ready. By eleven we had completed a mighty five miles. It was worth it though, to sit at Emery Pass drinking the Guinness that Hawkeye and Kombucha had cached for us. Enjoying our last week on trail. Stretch also caught up with us. The wind over the previous two days had littered the trail with branches and blow downs, so we took to some trail work. Kicking, flicking and tossing aside anything in our way that would submit to our violence. It was way fun, and when I dropped to the back to de-layer it was clear we were making life easier for those behind us. The trail become clearer but less defined after we topped out on the shoulder of Signal Peak and headed down towards the desert. A scrubby, overgrown hike through Berrenda Canyon followed before we emerged into the open and onto road. Hiked into the night and set up on a wide corner, avoiding ant hills and pointy vegetation. Beautiful clear night and I'm happy as usual.
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