Day Sixty, August 16, 21 Miles
At Mile 1189, Poptart 420/1000
Breakfast and PO. Our personal angel of awesome Naomi (Jugs) who doubles as Myke's significant other carried us back to the trail. Wyoming towns would have sucked without our Jugs. Thanks forever. Quick to South Pass City which is mostly a touristy "ghost town". Lay flat out in my standard recovery position and used Joker's umbrella to catch a quick nap before onward. The GDB. Technically not the Great Divide Basin yet but its all the same. It's a giant hole of nothing, the divide actually splits in two and skirts either side. That's cool and all but it means we have to walk through its flat hot waterlessness. Actually, that sounds like something I'd be all about. And I am. I love it. The most real desert hiking I've ever done (PCT lies). It's beautiful here and polar opposite of the Winds. I also resupplied awesomely, except for my poptarts. A couple flavours that I hadn't yet tried which are awful. Low Fat Frosted Strawberry, you suck. Road (dirt road, mostly) walking all the way to, and past Rawlins (next town, 120 miles away), but we still managed to get in a sagewack. Nothing like fording a creek in a waterless stretch. It was mostly cowshit I think so it doesn't count. Knee deep, I carried RT and Anna across only to come up on the second ford which was muddier and wider. Sorry. At least Joker's not the only section hiker. Storm finally caught us, then slowed down and headed in the same direction took forever to pass. Nothing like getting rained on in a waterless stretch. Got pelted with stinging rain and hail for a while but it cleared. Yet another in the endless list of amazing evening hikes. As the sun set behind the Winds over my right shoulder a Jeep pulled over offering water. RT asked for beer. And we did.
Camped on a side road. Amazing dinner.
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