Day Seventy, August 26, 20 Miles
At Mile 1427, Poptart 496/1000
Threw hard and death marched to the highway. Saw RT getting in a car just as we rounded the last bend. Yes! Wait... The car... It's leaving... RT!! Wait!!! AAARRRRRRREEEEETTTTTEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!
I can't believe he left us...
So myself, Kombucha, Hawkeye and Joker spent the next twenty minutes fuming while still attempting to smile us a ride. Knowing all along that there was a perfectly acceptable reason why we weren't in that car. And there was. Hawkeye's new found hiker appetite brought him into the circle of awesome food challengees alongside Joker, Rolling Thunder and yours truly. Today, Steamboat Springs, Colorado, was an epic. The result of a couple too many days on trail and some over confidence.
1/2 pound of Chicken Tenders (Except RT didn't and Hawkeye got some sides extra.)
A 2 pound pie (Banana Cream for me, Banana Cream/Dutch Apple split for Joker and Hawkeye and some chocolate concoction for RT.)
And the half-gallon (Except Hawkeye and Joker split one. Low Fat too. Whatever.)
In the end the Apple Pie was too much for Hawkeye and icecream too much for RT. Apple almost broke Joker but he finished first and is current food champion. The Banana (hate typing that word) Cream was intense but spreading out the chicken helped get it down. Way better than the damn cake. Eventually finished the icecream. I'm still in disbelief that I actually managed to finish that amount of food. 10 minutes of recovery position and I was good to go. Running about, full of energy. Spent the rest of the day in front of Safeway. Generally being dirty, smelly and homeless. A half gallon of Lemonade was all I had for the rest of the day. If only I knew...
Later that night, while dirtbagging in a gazebo, after hours of arguing inside my stomach the lemonade and icecream finally brought the fight. I vomited. More than I ever have in my life. And had to pee at the same time. Which was awkward. Then my nose started bleeding 'cause the vomit and torn out through there as well. Once my bodily fluids were under control I managed to suffer through the rest of the night on the hard concrete ground. I can no longer inflate my thermarest, the lump in it is now the size of a Beach Ball (still not exaggerating). It didn't even matter that I'd vomited little more than a metre from our gazebo, it already smelled like urine (not us) and Hawkeye's dead feet.
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