Sunday, August 15, 2010

The sunshowers that fall on my troubles.

Day FiftyTwo, August 8, 24 Miles
At Mile 1051.5, Poptart 363/1000
My feet decided to hang outside my tarp last night. Somehow I ended up sleeping on a Wacky D! angle.Joined early by Rock Steady, Joker, Hawkeye and Kombucha, temporarily a group of thirteen. Past Fish Lake and up onto the open, flat divide. Incredible walking up there, no surprise. Mountains all around. Utter magic. Ended up road walking most of the day. The good kind of road walking. Up a fairly busy ATV trail to the shoulder of Union Peak, 11420ft. Our highest on-trail point yet. Some very encouraging views of upcoming terrain. The Wind River Range is what I have been looking forward to more than any part of the CDT and I have big plans. First time camped above 10k ft this year, with nine others no less. It's buggy but I'm happy.

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