Sunday, August 15, 2010

Makes all the difference.

Day FortyNine, August 5, 21.5 Miles
At Mile 1009.5, Poptart 347/1000
Dan came off a log on a creek crossing, straight onto his coccyx. Massive pain. While he was writhing around Jack Beanstalk, Chief and Sarong stopped for an all-to-brief chat. It was a hot day and painkillers speeded Dan's recovery to the point where I could barely keep pace with him. Racing the time to get to Brooks Lake, but as soon as we emerged over a pass into the head of an incredible valley surrounded by sheer crags and filled with beautiful lakes all became somewhat irrelevant. Myself and Dan swam. Ended up at Brooks lake Lodge about an hour behind the rest of our herd. Myke and his wife Naomi (our new trail angel) soon appeared with beer and powerade. Down to Dubois (pronounced as the French would, not the local "Dew-boyz" pronunciation dang-nit). Reunitation. Dubois is awkward.

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