Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Thirty sweet, noggy days.

DAY THIRTY, June 8, 26.5 Miles
At mile 544.9
Got some pancakes from Richard this morning. Add to that a litre of super-filling, ultra-hydrating Dr Pepper and I was ready. Rather flat 16 miles this morning, mostly on either jeep roads or the LA/California Aqueduct (because SoCal is a desert after all, and millions have decided to make it their home). Kind of boring, mostly walking on the covered one, so Penn (my tennis-ball, I have a Wilson thing with him now) kept me entertained. But even Penn got boring. I miss my Zen so. Trolled under a bridge for lunch, magic, as always. Bit of a windy slog of an afternoon, gradual uphill to sandy sidle. Always with the sidle. Motorbikes love these here Tehachapi mountains, and despite the damage I can definitely see why. The last half-mile runjumping down a big sandy set of switchbacks made everything alright again. Cowboy camped in a dry creek bed, and it's a wee bit cloudy up there. Clever boy.

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