Friday, August 20, 2010

Clear and copious.

Day SixtyOne, August 17, 30 Miles
At Mile 1219, Poptart 430/1000
Today was hot. There are no trees. None. No shade. Twenty something miles after lunch with no water, tomorrow morning is the next good source. And the lunch source was very questionable. Very. But I love it. Myself and Joker claim to be asymptomatic carriers of The G (Giardia, not Gonorrhea), which means. Well, you know... But it won't happen! No!
Passed a trail crew who offered liquid refreshments and later the same jeep from yesterday pulled up with Tom offering beer and water again. Didn't feel too great this afternoon. I usually spend all summer in the hot Australian sun, this last 'summer' was spent in the cold Canadian not sun. Today wiped me out a little. Had the same sunset over the same mountains despite covering 30. Cowboyed. On a freakin rock.

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