Friday, August 20, 2010

Don't make me persistence hunt you.

Day FiftySix, August 12, 15 Miles
At Mile 1130, Poptart 396/1000
Took way way too long to get to the Cirque of the Towers turnoff. Farewelled Myke as he headed towards Naomi and spent an hour chatting to Jasmine and Louie, likely the last NOBO's and perhaps the happiest. Up the valley and around towards the scramble to the top of Texas Pass. Cirque. The place on the CDT (actually a sidetrip...) I have been looking forward to more than any. It's a cirque of towers. Ask google. Goddamn it's beautiful and glorious and massive. Goddamn I wanted to climb and lark about in there but it was rainsnowing and ridiculous cold. Ended up just lazing around with Joker and RT and re-rationing a day-plus-morning of food and eating everything else. Anna and Hawkeye are sick and we've no idea where they are. Assuming they took the Big Sandy way. Rainbow Twizzlers, the most plastic of all lollies just got more plastic.

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