Friday, October 1, 2010

When you act out, the rocks come down.

Day NinetyFour, September 19, 26 Miles
At Mile 1887, Poptart 692/1000
Beautiful morning, amazing day. Also, Talk Like A Pirate Day.
Around fortress-like Canby Mountain to the utmost source of the Rio Grande. Super annoying PCT-style switchbacks that I no longer have any tolerance for. Too much cross country has ruined me. Round a corner and we saw:
a) A Unicorn
b) Artax
c) A USFS Mule
d) Shadowfax
Interesting canyonish terrain kept me interested, then the trail took us up onto the wide, open plateau divide. There we left the Colorado Trail for the last time as it descended down a valley of magnificence. Lunched on Hunchback Mountain's scraggy summit (13,136ft) with some amazing views all round. The peaks have taken a significantly more pointy and solid tone in these parts, a welcome change from the piles of rubble Colorado has offered thus far. Towards and then around Rio Grande Pyramid and 'The Window', a massive square notch on the ridge line to our camp. To cowboy or not? The tarp won.

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