Tuesday, August 18, 2009

99.94 means not even perfection is perfect.

DAY NINETY-FOUR, August 11, 50 Miles!
At mile 1969.6

Yes, that's right, eighty whole kilometres. That hurt. Started 5am, which just so happens to be a completely beautiful time of the day to walk. Continued walking all day, till a little after 9. I was walking longer than the sun was up, lazy sun. Passed some old friends, Iceaxe, Day Late, Birdman and Lake, bad timing on my part as I was trying not to stop. Not too much up or down, typical Oregon and vital to my success. The Three Sisters Wilderness is amazing, the actual Sisters (mountains) are beautiful and had cloud rolling over them as I walked through the huge volcanic meadow at their base. Actually feel pretty good and enjoyed the challenge. But not looking for a repeat any time soon. Another challenge falls. Cursed pancakes.

The ball is in your court now, Shit Monkey. Deep. Make your move...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If Shit Monkey is Ben or Paul. I think they finished early. See thier blog.