Monday, August 31, 2009

Flight of the Rings.

DAY ONE-OH-NINE, August 26, 32.7 Miles
At mile 2360
Slow morning to the impressive Chinok Pass area, over the highway past another Sheep Lake (I swear, there's been 46 of them) and up to the view filled Sourdough Gap. Passed perhaps the biggest ski area yet, Crystal Mountain, still erie and I still love these ghost town, snowless ski resorts in the summer. Trail tread is wicked sandy at the moment, and the many holes in my shoes, socks and gaiters make matters worse (I usually wear these items until they're completely falling apart. Completely. John VonHof would cry if he saw what I wear) add to that the equestrian, packer and elk hooves tearing it up, no fun. Currently in a part of Washington covered in dirt roads, clear cuts and wildfire scars. At least the Huckleberries like it.

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