Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ashland! Ashland!

DAY EIGHTY-SEVEN, August 4, 0 Miles
At mile 1726.6
Spent some time wandering aimlessly around this beautiful city, could spend a lot more time doing the same. Saw loads of hikers in our usual haunts, posted about seven boxes and have a replacement tent. Far too many good bookstores, not buying anything was painful, and I didn't even get to the Metaphysical Library. Had planned on seeing Macbeth as part of the almost year-round Shakespeare Festival, but $78 is a bit out of my budget at present. Watched a couple of guys pay homage to Robert Burns instead, which was an absolute pleasure. Ashland will be very hard to beat as my favorite trail town, and is the first place (other than perhaps Shasta City) I really could see myself living if I were to move to the U.S. An endless thankyou to Ben and Sally for all they've done for me over the last couple of days. It will be hard to leave, but I'm just as keen to get back on the trail.

1 comment:

Kyleigh said...

Welcome to Oregon! Hope you enjoy your trip through it. My husband and I have loved reading about your hike so far, just absolutely amazing! Stay safe and good luck on the rest of your journey.
