Tuesday, August 18, 2009

People. Rhythm. Miles. Think.

DAY NINETY-EIGHT, August 15, 37.6 Miles
At mile 2071.7
Cloud lifted this morning and I finally got to see Mt Jefferson, the most glaciated peak I've seen yet over here. Jefferson Park, a flat, extremely popular lake filled basin at the base of the peak was nice. Plenty of "No Camping, Rehab Site" signs, which means people just camp elsewhere, spreading the impact and damage of tent sites and fire rings. I don't see why the Forest Service does this, established campsites should be like trails, accept the fact they are a scar on the land, but if that is the only scar the damage is minimal. Got a first glimpse of Mt Hood, my next destination, then back down into the forest. Pretty busy out, got some amazing cookies from friendly folk. Walked two miles further than I planned to find a campsite, so I carried water for nothing.

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