Friday, May 29, 2009

The happiest place on earth.

DAY NINETEEN, May 28, 21.9 Miles
At mile 356.2
Got to McDonald's nice and early. There I remained for five hours. Yes. Through the breakfast menu, on to lunch. I spent about $20, including some take away burgers for dinner (they were all sweaty and squashed and eerily warm and incredible). Anti-McDonald's types annoy me, so don't even try. You secretly enjoy it as much as the rest of us. There was actually a bunch of us there so I wasn't the awkward smelly hiker in the corner all alone for half a day. It was super fun. Cherry flavoured soft drinks and free refills are standard in the U.S. which is great. The afternoon was spent "climbing in earnest" and was quite viewy and rather shady. Sidling, as usual, climbed about 3000 easy feet. That McDonald's went straight through me and I was all exposed. Campsite is all Nepali, awesome location, awful site.

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