Thursday, May 14, 2009

Shoes for tyres.

DAY TWO, May 12, 21 Miles?
At mile 41.6
Probably should have set off earlier this morning. It's light at five and hot hot hot by ten-thirty, so starting after seven is not the smartest approach, I'll get better. Walked on my own most of the day. There's lizards everywhere, one escaped my giant, dangerous feet, only to get ploughed by a snake about a metre in front of me, which was awesome. The aforementioned crashed helicopter detour starts about mile 30, which I hit about eleven-thirty. The detour around is all road, it's about the same length as the trail, I think, I've heard it's less and it's more, both reliable sources, so who knows. Either way. It. Was. Horrible. I love walking the trail on my own, but there's something depressing about walking 10 miles of road and seeing nothing and no-one. Was pretty excited to finally see the "Welcome to Laguna Mountain" sign, although it was at least two miles from town. Hitching today was awful tempting, but I can't bring myself to do it, especially on day two (I mean hitching to skip miles, not to get into towns). The Ultra Friendly Film Crew passed me on the road just before town and gave me some much appreciated fruit and let me know who was behind me. The campground was a massive $19, so I rejoined the trail and camped there instead.

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