Friday, July 30, 2010

Personal Spam Bodyguard.

Day ThirtyFour, 21 July, 14 Miles
At Mile 693, Poptart 220/1000
Started with the sun and decided on a shortcut through "waist-high Sagebrush". It ended up being just that in the end, but still worth it. Arrived at Bannock Pass a little before 11, a time joker had predicted two days earlier, and had a hitch within a minute. Lucky for us, the road over the pass is gravel and traffic can be sparse. It would not be uncommon for hikers to wait hours for the first car to arrive. Leadore is a tiny town, very hot, friendly, relaxing and a little depressing (You wonder if it will still exist in ten years). Not much I had to do, caught up with everyone and spent the day eating and sitting. Jellybean roulette is coming to the Southern Hemisphere with me. Be warned.

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