Thursday, July 16, 2009

For five dollars, yes, the door is ajar.

DAY FIFTY-EIGHT, July 6, 20 Miles
At mile 1092.3
Scott Williamson and Adam Bradley past this morning as Shit Monkey and I packed up. They're on a speed record attempt of, I think, 65 days. All the best to them. Very impressive hikers. Basically got to Highway 50 as quickly as I could and there decided to treat myself and go into South Lake Tahoe, while Shit Monkey heads to Echo Lake to wait for Hamburgerass (damn their long names). Motel 6, nice room all to meself, pizza, ice-cream and Dr Pepper, watching MTV's Fat Camp (incredible) and the surprisingly good Click. Holy wow am I ever skinny. All my rock climbing "muscle" is completely gone. And my tan lines are hilarious.

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