Sunday, July 19, 2009

Just half a turn and there's your worm.

DAY SIXTY-NINE, July 17, 20.8 Miles
At mile 1356.6
Took an hour for myself and Shit Monkey to get a hitch out of Chester this morning, planned to hike forty miles, starting at 10.30. About three miles in we both realised it was not going to happen, so Drakesbad will. Very very hot and rather dry, I really have to stop underestimating how much water to carry. Drakesbad Guest Ranch is amazing. The owners, Ed and Billie, are so hiker friendly, they let us shower and hang out in the hot spring pool, and feed us for a massive discount. Enough good things cannot be said about that place, And the food is unbelievable. Planned to night hike ten miles with Shit Monkey, we got about three. Night hiking under tree cover on a nothing moon is horrible. I have acquired the thru-camera. Take a few photos and pass it on is the idea, except, nobody will take it.

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